High-quality, durable cotton module wrap designed for Australian cotton growers

Recognising a need for an alternative to genuine cotton wrap supplied by John Deere™, we began extensive product design and development of our own Plant & Pick Spares Cotton Module Wrap.

Our PPS Cotton Module Wrap is specially designed to maintain reliability and durability in the Australian environment, maintaining cotton integrity and quality from the farm to gin, and beyond.  

Partnering with Cotton Growers Service (CGS) in 2023, we officially began supplying our PPS Cotton Module Wrap to Australian cotton growers.

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Plant & Pick Spares

Cotton Module wrap with RFID tags

Cotton Module wrap with RFID tags


Pallet (216 Portions - 9 Rolls)

Plant and Pick Spares have designed the Cotton Module Wrap in Australia. Extensive research and development has taken place to ensure a high quality and reliable aftermarket option for growers and contractors. 

Each portion is fitted with multiple RFID tags to ensure traceability from cotton picker to the gin yard. The high quality materials used ensure that the wrapped module can withstand the harsh Australian conditions. 

The Plant and Pick Cotton Module Wrap is a proven aftermarket option for Australian Growers.

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